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  • Writer's pictureJenny Song

Getting distracted? Feeling unproductive? 5 Practical strategies for better focus

Updated: May 10, 2022

You are sitting down to do work, your desk looked a little messy so you got up to clean. After cleaning, you are feeling hungry and lime hot Cheetos sounded really good so you got up. Then your phone buzzed. It's mom's birthday, and now you are thinking of what to get her. After browsing for another hour and finally placing a purchase. WHAT? it's already 10 pm! Where did all the time go !? Now you are panicking because you got midterms to prepare for. Why is it so hard to be productive?

Here are some tips to help you:

1- Setting a timer:

Have to get a present for your mom on amazon?

Pull out your phone and set a timer for 15 minutes, this will force you to make quicker decisions and minimize the time spent on unrelated tasks.

2- Setting a reward

Those hot Cheetos sounds really good? How about you make a deal with yourself (If I finish math homework, and then I can eat a snack). Now you are motivated to move fast because these Cheetos are calling your name (sorry if I am making you hungry).

3-Go somewhere!

Wondering why it's easier to get work done at school? Because there is fewer things you can be distracted by plus you really want to be done and go home. Cafes are good - if you are paying 6 bucks for expensive coffee, you better get some work done! Libraries are perfect because everyone else is working somehow, and there is nothing else you can do but focus on your work.

4- Just start! Small goals

One reason why it's so hard to focus is that we get overwhelmed with how much work is needed to get done. You can address that by setting small goals- I will just work on this paper for 15 minutes. That's it! And before you know it, when the timer is up you might be so productive that you will go for another 30 minutes. Another way that may help is by tackling the easier tasks first. It will build your confidence and give you the momentum to keep going

5- Turn off notifications!

No seriously. Just turn off these notifications. You can temporarily put your phone on focus mode or download apps that lock your phone temporarily. These notifications are designed to get your attention (away from whatever else you are doing).

Want to learn about apps and ways to limit distractions from phones? Stay tuned for future posts.


Did you know that distractibility and procrastination can be a sign of stress? Maybe a short walk or a breathing exercise will help (for more tips on stress management come to chat with me!)

Find these tips helpful and want to learn more?

Set up an appointment and come chat with me!

Find these tips not helpful?

Come chat with me and we will find something that works for you :)

Workshop on Attention and focus: Tuesday 6/14/22 at 1PM

Zoom link >>Here<<

Content produced by: Jenny Song, OTR/L

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